About Me

I'm Joseph Liu, a freshman at Santa Clara University majoring in computer science. While I'm still exploring the field, my current interests include robotics, simulations, and theoretical computer science.

Languages: I'm comfortable working in C++, Java, Python, and C#. I also have experience in JS and SQL.

Skills: I have taken courses in data structures, algorithms, computational theory, and machine learning. Many of my personal projects incorporate these in some way.

Honors And Awards

Below, you can find a partial list of some of the awards/honors I have won.

  • UC Santa Cruz Science Internship Program SuperComputer Award for computational skills and contributions (August 2020)
  • USA Computing Olympiad (USACO) Gold Division Competitor (April 2019)
  • President's Volunteer Service Bronze Award (December 2019)
  • Won school-wide software competition for sorting students into clubs by preference (August 2019)
  • 2018 FIRST Robotics Competition Silicon Valley Regional 6th Place Team
  • 2019 FIRST Robotics Competition Silicon Valley Regional Semifinalist Team
  • Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout

Contact Information



You can find some of my work on GitHub.

This Website

While I'm still working on this website and there's a lot of work that I haven't yet added, I think there is enough information here to have it up. Currently, my plans include a general restyle, more images, more detailed descriptions, and a more comprehensive list of what I've worked on.

Main Technologies Used: HTML, JavaScript, SCSS

Astronomy Research: Variable Stars

I have been working with Sagnick Mukherjee, Dr. Monika Soraisam and Dr. Raja GuhaThakurta on researching variable stars in Andromeda Galaxy (M31). My job on the team was primarily to use my computer science skills to process light curve data quickly, write fast SQL queries, and analyze data. I also wrote a web interface to compare images of stars at different times. We hope to have the paper, "Using the Time-Domain Aspect of the PHAT Dataset to Study Luminous Cepheids and Other Luminous Variable Stars in M31's Star Clusters (Mukherjee, Liu, et al. 2021)", finished in the near future. While I can't publish the code publicly, feel free to contact me for more details.

Main Technologies Used: Jupyter Notebook, Python, SQL, HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Machine Learning & Astronomy Research: Exoplanets

I have been researching the feasibility of using a neural network classifier to identify candidate exoplanets from astronomical observational images. Existing techniques use convolutional neural networks on light curve data, where each image of a star is converted to a single number representing its brightness at that time. I am using a 3D convolutional neural network to preserve spatial data that can help the model identify when exoplanet transits are occurring.

Main Technologies Used: Convolutional Neural Networks, Pytorch, Python

USA Computing Olympiad Problem Solutions

I competed in the USA Computing Olympiad, where I reached the Gold division. You can find a literally random selection of solutions I wrote for the problems here. I later switched to C++ for performance reasons, but I don't have that code up yet.

Main Technologies Used: Java; later C++

Group Assignment Generator

I am currently working on an update to the Club Sorting Program I wrote for my high school in 10th grade. While it won the school-wide contest due to its close-to-optimal results, it is run from command line and could use optimizations. I am rewriting it as a general-purpose group assignment generator, where individuals rank their preferred groups and are then assigned based on certain constraints, such as the maximum capacity of the groups. It will include a more intuitive UI written with Godot and eventually generate perfectly optimal assignments.

Main Technologies Used: Godot, C#; previously C++